Friday, November 21, 2008


The semester is coming to an end soon. I only have one semester left here and then I am set free from this institution....from this home. I have mixed emotions. So much has changed this semester and I know they will just continue to change as I go on. I have had some of the most wonderful times of my life here. I have met people who will always be in my life and some who have taught me a lot about life.
For now....reflection should be put on hold...i still have a couple more weeks until Christmas break.

I'm going out tonight and were going to a Hooka Bar! and my buddies are hillarious! so I'm excited.

~ The Young Lady

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


The most charming interview yet. I'm in love with their relationship. They finish eachothers thoughts and genuinly seem to love and respect each other. The chemistry is obvious. WATCH :-)

This is the end of the interview...but its my fav part

Watch CBS Videos Online


This picture just makes me smile. Biden turns 66 years old today...Barack gave him gifts and 12 cupcakes AND sang him Happy Birthday! I just think thats too cute. awwww. I love my President and Vice President!

READ. dang...U called him WHAT?

Not sure how I feel about this article. Al Qaida calling Barack Obama a House Am I evil for that making me chuckle? It's all just absurd and I guess its so stupid that a chuckle came out. Its just that we have come so far to get the white people in THIS country to treat us as we got Al Qaida callin us names. wow lol

Forgive me.

What do you think about the article?

~The Young Lady

Monday, November 17, 2008

Don't Read This Because I Shouldn't be Typing IT

AHHHH...I'M STILL WRITING THE SAME PAPER I TOLD U ABOUT in the post right below this one!!!!!!! Hours ago......! The next time you see something from me...I BETTER BE DONE THIS PAPER!!

(lol look at me yelling at you..but really yelling at myself)

It's late. Forgive me.

~The Young Lady

I talk like this cuz I can back it up..Life and Such

That's a line from Beyonce's new album on a song titled "Ego"

I wouldn't call myself the biggest beyonce fan ever but I have a huge crush on her new album. I pre-ordered it and everything on itunes.

That's neither here nor there.

Actually, I should be writing an International Relations paper...but the senioritis is getting the best of me today... hey who am i kidding? Senioritis has gotten the best of me all semester. My mind seems to be everywhere but where its supposed to be. I check my mailbox twice a day looking for acceptances...I think about stupid boys...I dream about my future...where I will work...who I will mary...what my family will look like...what I'm eating for See!!! I need to concentrate on the tasks at hand. Sitting here writing this isnt helping either I suppose.

What the HaY....

SOOO I have a crush... i hope he's crushing on me back.

THEN...I have two guys who I think like me...but I'm not attracted to them AT all. How do I break it to them? In a way I think I've lead them on...HEY I like the attention ;-(

OO and there is this one friend I have.....and against my better judgement and MIGHTY denial....I am beginning to like him. YUCK.

I am all over the place.

BUT my heart stays planted...... with him.

This sucks.

MEANWHILE.... will be the first I tell when I get those acceptances. Well...after I fall to my knees and thank GOD!

Ok I think I will start my paper....again... ummm maybe in a sec.

Thanksgiving is around the corner and I'm driving home with 'bestfriend'.. Pray for me yall!

Ok sooooooo......procrastination is a BITCH (excuse my language...its sooo not the language of a Young Lady...believe me, I cringed typing that word...but its the truth).

I must go. Toodles.

~The Young Lady

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Simply Perplexed

Why is it that the guys I'm interested in aren't really interested in me? BUT the guys that make me GAG are the only ones pursuing me?? One of the great ironies of life. I'm not tripping over it or anything...but i'd be lying if I said it didn't perplex the heck outta me every now and then. I'll be patient. As always...I will seek God.

(Ahhhhhhh.....frustration please leave me!!!)~~ Mild Relapse.

lol. Thanks for listening.

~The Young Lady

One of those WTF moments....


Monday, November 3, 2008



That's all I wanted to say. lol

~The Young Lady

Sunday, November 2, 2008


There are times in our life when we have an opportunity to do something that we've always wanted to do. Why do these opportunities come? I have no clue. But I'm at the point in my life where new chapters are being written and the pages are turning faster than I can read them. As soon as I start to appreciate one chapter or storyline, the page turns and the next chapter is before me. It is times like these that I must deicide to live. For too long I sat, expecting for the pages to go inreverse. But lie is too short to try and revisite old stories. I am ready for the new. I am ready to do and experience what I have always wanted. I will make mistakes. Infact I want to make mistakes. Nothing is perfect and I know that I am not, nor do I want to be. My hope is that I have no regrets from this point on. I have done things in the past that I regret but I cannot go back and change them. All I can do to correct that is to move forward and make sure that I take every worthwhile opportunity that come my way. This new chapter in my life is called: "Why Not?"

~The Young Lady