Sunday, November 2, 2008


There are times in our life when we have an opportunity to do something that we've always wanted to do. Why do these opportunities come? I have no clue. But I'm at the point in my life where new chapters are being written and the pages are turning faster than I can read them. As soon as I start to appreciate one chapter or storyline, the page turns and the next chapter is before me. It is times like these that I must deicide to live. For too long I sat, expecting for the pages to go inreverse. But lie is too short to try and revisite old stories. I am ready for the new. I am ready to do and experience what I have always wanted. I will make mistakes. Infact I want to make mistakes. Nothing is perfect and I know that I am not, nor do I want to be. My hope is that I have no regrets from this point on. I have done things in the past that I regret but I cannot go back and change them. All I can do to correct that is to move forward and make sure that I take every worthwhile opportunity that come my way. This new chapter in my life is called: "Why Not?"

~The Young Lady

1 comment:

Bobby_2010 said...

And that is a great question for life!