Wednesday, December 31, 2008


2008 is almost over and I must confess that the most wonderful moments overall were the ones you won't expect. The sunset and sunrise over the skyline of the city..those are the scenes that I feel were so pretty. Full moons and orange leaves were a source of joy you see. A call from a friend to ride around the town or a shoulder to lean on when i was feeling down. I can't express the happiness that the small things can puts in perspective most everything. This year has seen my tears..this year has seen my smile. I won't forget this year, I know, for quite a while.


~The Young Lady




Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Boondocks Moment

FFW to 2:30...LMAO


In circles I walk, preoccupied with time. I count the seconds,minutes,hours until what's mine will be mine. I keep walking in circles because of the fear and the hope that one day time will collide with me and be my friend. Will that be the beginning or will it be the end? I walk in circles because time is no ones friend. Who am i kidding? Time just ticks until the end. I count the seconds, muinutes, hours until what's mine is mine....but it all depends on the time.

~The Young Lady


There are so many changes happening in my life and I'm scared, mortified and horrified. Will life work the way I want it, will eveyrthing pull through? And you! I laugh at you. You have no clue what is in store: the complexities, realities, curiosities, opportunites, priorities.
Please! Just wake up and you will see. There are so many changes happening in my life and I'm scared, mortified and horrified. BUT I'd rather be scared than UN aware. I'd rather be mortified than UN prepared. I'd rather be horrified than 'I don't care'. Ignorance kills. Ignorance destroys. Ignorance should not be played with like a little child plays with toys. Prepare for your lives and live them too. Don't let yor life prepare and live for you.

~The Young Lady

Monday, December 29, 2008

Fears, Tears, Years

Fears, tears and years: they are all bull to me. What lasts past what we can see? What could actually set us free from the traps we have set up in our mind? Step into the light and the palpatations of your heart will propell u further into the point where you cannot ignore your own ignorance that screams louder than those fears, tears or years.

Shout out loud and maybe the chains will break. shout louder maybe the wall will collapse before your eyes. Remove the glasses and the shades and allow the real world to disprove all of the empty faith we have in man. I fear no man, my tears only fall alone and the years will go on with or without me. Fears, tears and years: its all bull to me.

~The Young Lady

The Rain

The rain, the rain, the rain washed away my pain but could this be permanent? one could only hope because the drops gave me peace and the sound made me smile.
Before the rain came depression tried to get me but the bastard didnt get through to me. I laughed at him cuz he was so rude to me...but then reality introduced me 2 possiblity. Reality was cool but he was kinda boring then I met dilusion and I ended up soaring...into the arms of destiny...who would have thought it could be. But the reain was my first love...and washed away all the pain.

~The Young Lady

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The DOs and DO NOTs of dating

After a year of ups and downs with he opposite sex I have come to some conclusions:

1) No matter the circumstance ASSUME the guy is thinking the OPPOSITE of whatever you are thinking. This will eliminate the downfall when they actually are thinking the opposite of you OR will give you a pleasant surprise when you are on the same page.

2) Do not lead guys on just to get your temporary fix of attention.

3) Being a tease is risky business. If your not going to have sex with a guy u should be upfornt in your friendship/courtship and tell him that you aren't trying to do anything. may end up being a tease and I learned a while ago that that is NOT cute.

4)If all a guy talks about it sex....use your common sense about his intentions.

5) NEVER assume the guy is going to pay. Always begin to pay for yourself..if he stops you or does not allow you to pay...GREAT...but just in case make sure you have your own money. PLUS the guy will like that u were willing to pay for your own movie...dinner...or whatever.

6) If you are chilling or hanging out for the first time do not hang in your room or dorm or it in a public place...somewhere neutral. The second time can be a chill-inside the house night.

7)NEVER call more than twice in a row without them calling you back. Same goes for texting.

~The Young Lady

Monday, December 22, 2008

It's THAT time of year.

Ahhhhhh...I love my family...but they are driving me BONKERS. I'm broke and I hate being dependent on my parents for EVERYTHING...even gas for my car....its just confining. And...yes...I know I'm a spoiled brat...but we must move on from that.

I got one of my gifts early...some UGGS....they're cute. I didn't ask for i will be thankful.

What I really want for Christmas...don't think I will get...but everything happens when it's supposed to, right?

I'm broke...spent all the money I had on gifts for yea. Merry Christmas lol.

I CAN'T wait for Christmas dinner at my aunt's's tradition...and you DON't Monkey with tradition!

~The Young Lady

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Why am I trippin?

I keep shooting myself in the frickin foot! What in the world is making me sabotage my own happiness???? What is wrong with me? When things get good....i go and mess them up. Something is up with me. I just have no clue what it is. All I know is I need to figure it out before I push the wrong button and lose the good people and things in my life.

So even though you're not gonna read this....I apologize.

~The Young Lady

Monday, December 8, 2008

Kinda...But not Really ex of mine (from like 3 years ago) just got married.


When we dated: All American Football Player at College in NC.
6'7....handsom....not the smartest ever.

Now: Police Officer in a small town. Married. Child on the way.

The fact that he got married didn't take me by surprise but it does make me feel some type of way. Not jealous, not sad...maybe I'm at an age where ex boyfriends get married. It's weird.

So....Kinda...but not really.

~The Young Lady

Sunday, December 7, 2008

First Step Is Admitting....

It's official. I'm addicted to caffeine. First step is admitting you have a problem right?? lol

Here is how i know: I adjust the caffeine that I intake based on how awake I have to be.

1) Pulling an all nighter for a test: Large Iced Coffe from McDonalds...Preferably Vanilla.

2) Morning of boring classes after a long night studying...or talking on the phone: Large Sweet Tea from...where else...McDonalds. The hour in which I went to sleep/how boring and long the classes are will determine whether I ask for 'no ice' or not.

3) In need of a quick boost to go out with the girls or go to a movie without falling asleep.....RED BULL BABY!! It works...but not for long. Only good for short term fixes.

4) Need something to cheer me up: Starbucks Frapaccino! The best. Mocha or Vanilla will do. On a side note....those things got me through drvers ed....the most depressing class ever.

5) Nostalgic trip down memory lane....or just needing to relax: Hot chocolate...with Marshmellows...enough said.

6) WORK 9-5: .....Black sugar and cream please. Mind you the only time I work a 9-5 is in the summer so....yea.

~The Young Lady

Friday, December 5, 2008

TMI. But I need to vent. Thanks.

I'm a senior in college now. But I'm goin to take you back to September of 2005. I was freshman. I had a few puppy love situations in high school but nothing too serious. On September 11, 2005 my infatuation was captured by a freshman at brother school. As a naiive freshman I had never cmpletely understood what everyone had told me...the male freshman are looking for girls to sleep with and the girl freshman want boyfriends. It was true but I guess I chose to be defiant. He sweet talked me...he showed me attention and I was verrrry physically attracted to him (he had a nice body-tall-muscular. I was hooked...and as a virgin....away from the shelter of mommy and for the first time...with a boy who seemed to care about me...I did the typial STUPID thing...that you can probably figure out.

I quickly became attached..

anyway...I could go into two years worth of 'he hurt me' 'he used me' 'he told me he loved me and didn't mean it'.

He broke my heart over and over. That is a fact. AND I am mature enough now to acknowlege that I allowed him to break my heart. INFACT....I wasn't perfect during our year long relationship. BUT I will not go into the millions of details that seemed HUGE then and tiny now.

I will however note a specific time that hurt me...only because its the day that reality hit me in the face. I had done that STUPID thing with him, forever giving him a piece of me...the most pure piece....and told him that I was falling for him. For a MONTH after...her didn't speak to me...ignored me and acted as if he didnt know me. But...again I can admit NOW that I was dumb and let myself get hurt.

Anyhooo...we ended up talking again after that.

My scatterbrain is inevitably taking you on a journey around the mulberry bush. Sorry.

About 2 years and some months ago we cut ties (physically) and THAT was some drama mixed with rumors and lies...emotionally we had cut ties long before. To the outside world my first was the HUGEST ass to me. I will admit he was...but of course I wasn't completely stupid back then. He wasn't alll bad. We had fun times...a ot of fun times. Its funny how its easier to express tha bad about people and vent about the negative and leave people believing this person is evil...and lookin at u like you were the victim/idiot for talking to him.

After we cut ties...i began seeing best friend (my life took a very positive shift).


We speak often. Usually through facebok messanger or aim. Since our drama we have actaully been able to maintain civil contact. At one poin he meant everything to me...but I knew was never 'the one'.

Today he told me he was thankful to have had me in his life. Basically saying he is better for having known me. They were simple words but they meant a lot.

~The Young Lady

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Secret: #1

Sooo...periodically I'm going to share a secret with you.

I have kissed a friends ex. It was years ago but it has stayed with me so I have to let it off my chest. I felt so awful about I actually made myself sick.

~The Young Lady


After hearing about the man who was killed by MANIAC (typical holiday shoppers) on Black Friday at a Wal-Mart in NY...I really had to take a second (a few days) and think about what it all meant.

AMERICANS have lost their GOD GIVEN minds!

Please...people. Read Matthew 1:18-23. That is what Christmas is about.


Santa Clause (although I love the old white guy)

It IS about...


If that is not why u celebrate Christmas then maybe u should make up your own holiday and name it "im a selfish greedy person" and stop trying to change Christmas into meaning something that it doesn't...and while you're doing that...turn to Luke and read Luke 2:1-20. I'm just sayin.

Ok I can now jump down off of my soap box.

~The Young Lady

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Scarlet Takes a Tumble

I hope everyone had a GREAT Thanksgiving...and ate a LOT of Turkey ;-)

I saw this video a couple months ago. But today the 15 year old Scarlet was on the Tyra show. She was talking about her youtube video and the joy and laughter that it has brought to millions. It made me realize the importance of being able to laugh at yourself and how we shouldn't take ourselves so seriously. We are discouraged and knocked down by people all the time...we shouldn't help them by being so criticle of ourselves.

So...don't be afraid to laugh at yourself...we should be more like Scarlet (well...besides the brused behind)