Friday, December 5, 2008

TMI. But I need to vent. Thanks.

I'm a senior in college now. But I'm goin to take you back to September of 2005. I was freshman. I had a few puppy love situations in high school but nothing too serious. On September 11, 2005 my infatuation was captured by a freshman at brother school. As a naiive freshman I had never cmpletely understood what everyone had told me...the male freshman are looking for girls to sleep with and the girl freshman want boyfriends. It was true but I guess I chose to be defiant. He sweet talked me...he showed me attention and I was verrrry physically attracted to him (he had a nice body-tall-muscular. I was hooked...and as a virgin....away from the shelter of mommy and for the first time...with a boy who seemed to care about me...I did the typial STUPID thing...that you can probably figure out.

I quickly became attached..

anyway...I could go into two years worth of 'he hurt me' 'he used me' 'he told me he loved me and didn't mean it'.

He broke my heart over and over. That is a fact. AND I am mature enough now to acknowlege that I allowed him to break my heart. INFACT....I wasn't perfect during our year long relationship. BUT I will not go into the millions of details that seemed HUGE then and tiny now.

I will however note a specific time that hurt me...only because its the day that reality hit me in the face. I had done that STUPID thing with him, forever giving him a piece of me...the most pure piece....and told him that I was falling for him. For a MONTH after...her didn't speak to me...ignored me and acted as if he didnt know me. But...again I can admit NOW that I was dumb and let myself get hurt.

Anyhooo...we ended up talking again after that.

My scatterbrain is inevitably taking you on a journey around the mulberry bush. Sorry.

About 2 years and some months ago we cut ties (physically) and THAT was some drama mixed with rumors and lies...emotionally we had cut ties long before. To the outside world my first was the HUGEST ass to me. I will admit he was...but of course I wasn't completely stupid back then. He wasn't alll bad. We had fun times...a ot of fun times. Its funny how its easier to express tha bad about people and vent about the negative and leave people believing this person is evil...and lookin at u like you were the victim/idiot for talking to him.

After we cut ties...i began seeing best friend (my life took a very positive shift).


We speak often. Usually through facebok messanger or aim. Since our drama we have actaully been able to maintain civil contact. At one poin he meant everything to me...but I knew was never 'the one'.

Today he told me he was thankful to have had me in his life. Basically saying he is better for having known me. They were simple words but they meant a lot.

~The Young Lady

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