Sunday, December 28, 2008

The DOs and DO NOTs of dating

After a year of ups and downs with he opposite sex I have come to some conclusions:

1) No matter the circumstance ASSUME the guy is thinking the OPPOSITE of whatever you are thinking. This will eliminate the downfall when they actually are thinking the opposite of you OR will give you a pleasant surprise when you are on the same page.

2) Do not lead guys on just to get your temporary fix of attention.

3) Being a tease is risky business. If your not going to have sex with a guy u should be upfornt in your friendship/courtship and tell him that you aren't trying to do anything. may end up being a tease and I learned a while ago that that is NOT cute.

4)If all a guy talks about it sex....use your common sense about his intentions.

5) NEVER assume the guy is going to pay. Always begin to pay for yourself..if he stops you or does not allow you to pay...GREAT...but just in case make sure you have your own money. PLUS the guy will like that u were willing to pay for your own movie...dinner...or whatever.

6) If you are chilling or hanging out for the first time do not hang in your room or dorm or it in a public place...somewhere neutral. The second time can be a chill-inside the house night.

7)NEVER call more than twice in a row without them calling you back. Same goes for texting.

~The Young Lady

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