Sunday, January 18, 2009

Letting Go

Letting go is a decision that you must make. Between you and God it's a give and take. Its your choice to make peace with destiny and fate. Its up to God.... for in his hand he takes you and your faith... Small as a seed....small as a grain of sand.....Precious little understanding on our eternal needs beyond this land. We hold this ignorance and we carry this hope. The goal is to let go on a good and blessed note. Letting go is a decsion that you must make. Between you and God its a give and take. Ultimately the help comes from above. Your little efforts are overshadowed by his mercy and love. Please let it go and this you cannot fake. Because from you...your blessings he can and will take.

~The Young Lady

1 comment:

Bobby_2010 said...

Beautiful...and so true!!! I know firsthand how our efforts are of little value in the grand scheme of things, once His mercy and grace are taken into consideration.