Thursday, August 7, 2008


I AM ABSOLUTELTY LOVING THIS. ALL OF IT. To see a Black warms my heart and makes me love being black even more than I already did. I am so proud of him and all of his accomplishments. I interned for Hillary and a lot of HATERS try and act like that means I can't like Barack. Well they can go kick rocks. I love OBAMA and am excited that he is where he is. The country needed him to step expose the good and the bad when it comes to race relations in the U.S. among other very important issues.

I feel this weird sense of 'history is being pay attention' creeping up on me. Think about what we are living through as a people. Barack Obama represents more than just the First Formitable Black Democratic Nominee for President. He represents the dreams and hopes of a people who for OVER 400 years....IN THIS COUNTRY...ON THIS SOIL....suffered and endured being an oppressed people. He represents the dreams and hopes of ANYONE who has ever worked and strived toward ambitious dreams that were for so long considered by the world to be TOO ambitious and out of reach in 'these times'.

We should all be so brave as to answer our call to greatness! I am excited. I will cry if he wins and cry if he loses. Its that deep to me.

40 years from now I will be excited to tell anyone I know that I was apart of this great movement. My grandchildren will ask me if 'I was there when....' and I will smile and say 'I sure was'

1 comment:

Bobby_2010 said...

I hope to be able to say the same things 40 years from now. I just hope it inspires more of OUR people to get involved and try to make a difference.