Thursday, August 14, 2008

Giving Thanks

This week has been kinda chill but its given me a chance to reflect on my life and the adventure that is senior year that I am getting ready to embark on. I can't believe I'm about to be a senior...its scary and exciting all at teh same time. I'ma actually moving back on campus after two years of being off campus. That should be verrry interesting. I'm 21 now so I can actually GET IN to places that usually laugh at me for trying to enter.
I've been thinking lately about something my congressman shared with me at lucnh one day; he told me that life is a circle that consists of three parts: Before the storm, going through the storm, and after the storm. There have never been truer words. It started me reflecting on all of the storms I have been in and made it throuhg just since I've been in college and even before that. I smile everytime I think about how scared or nervous I was during a storm and how relieved and blessed I felt when each one of the storms I was in ENDED. Because all of them do. The storms never last forever and thats a lesson that I plan on taking with me always.
My mom has Multiple Sclerosis and it causes her to sometimes have trouble with her balance and can cause her body to just...hurt. Last week she went to Johns Hopkins for a routine, monthly appointment and they ended up admitting her. Now I can't count how many night my mom has spent in the hospital since I was 10. It's not something that shocks me anymore...I don't know if that's good or bad. The awful thing is when i'm at school in Atlanta and I hear from someone a couple days later that she is in the hospital...i feel helpless and useless. ANYWAYS...last week my mom was admitted and I went to go see her after work. We had a great convo, although it kept being interruted by nurses and technichians who needed to take blood or do tests. I enjoyed my time sitting and talking to her...and it makes realize how little we talk when we're actually in the house together.
Well she's out now and back home. She's doing much better and she's even well enough to drive. I used to be embarrased that my om sometimes walked with a cane and at one point had a wheel chair to get aroung. Now that I'm older I can't help but feel overwhelmed with thanks for how blessed I am. I can't believe how selfish I used to be and can still be.
All that so say...Its time for some changes. I need to be thankful for what I have and realize that I am BLESSED and have things and oppotunities that people can only WISH they had. Not to sound full of myself...I'm just being honest.
If I wanted to I could sit here and tell you all of the times that I have been discriminated against because of my skin color or my gender. The world is not always fair and I understand that. Its a very libertating feeling when u realize that the world will let you down but GOD never will. With that understanding I can move forward with the things I can control.

1 comment:

Bobby_2010 said...

Well, at least you can recognize your blessings!